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Campus World|Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School "Integrating Nature into Education and Demonstrating Positive Spirit"


Under the epidemic, the physical and mental development of students has been affected at different levels. A survey shows that the stress index of middle school students is on the high side, and the relevant proportion is also the highest in the past ten years. Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School has always attached great importance to the whole-person health of students

Under the epidemic, the physical and mental development of students has been affected at different levels.

A survey shows that the stress index of middle school students is on the high side, and the relevant proportion is also the highest in the past ten years.

Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School has always attached great importance to the balanced development of students' whole-person health. With the theme of "Integrating Nature into Education", it provides students with different types of activities.

Believing in the vitality emanating from nature is still attractive to teenagers accustomed to electronic lifestyles.

Through learning to take care of these plants and small life, not only will students establish positive life values, learn teamwork spirit, but also relieve their mental stress, gain a sense of satisfaction, and enhance their self-concept and self-esteem.

Horticultural Treatment

Horticultural therapy activities to improve students' mood, interpersonal relationship and concentration.

The students were very satisfied with the gardening works they made, which made them feel that the original plants can also make people feel happy.

Sanyu Little Farmer

Through organic farming and the communication and contact between people and plants, multi-sensory learning (touch, sight, smell, taste, hearing) is used to stimulate different learning experiences.

For example: turning the soil, sowing, fertilizing, watering, etc., can build students' patience and sense of responsibility in caring for plants.

In addition, students can carefully observe small insects in the soil and in the air, such as earthworms, snails, butterflies, etc., they can touch the texture of the soil with their hands, or they can put the earthworms or snails on their palms, and feel and explore how they wriggle. Feel, bring different sensory stimulation.

plant a good mood

The "Secondary One Dive Course" is held for students entering high school. The tutors of the tutoring team carefully designed the "Grow a good mood and exert positive energy" activities for new students. Like, design a unique combination of potted plants.

During the activity, students and group members can share plants, soil and tools with each other, thereby promoting communication and understanding among students.


fish tank landscaping society

Aquarium landscaping learns to cherish the natural ecological environment and cultivate care, patience and sense of responsibility.

Students are regularly responsible for changing the water, trimming the aquatic plants, cleaning up algae, feeding fish food, cleaning the water filter, maintaining stable water quality, carbon dioxide concentration and maintaining the ecological balance of photosynthesis.

Every time students take a break or after school, they will go to this green ecological fish tank to watch the green water plants emerge small oxygen bubbles, and small fish and shrimp play freely, so that students can meditate and microscopically the ecology of nature at close range. .

"Children's Lizard" Project

The school launched the "Children's Lizard" program, recruiting bearded dragon lizard caregivers to take turns in charge of feeding, cleaning and recording work, and the students enthusiastically signed up beyond expectations.

The biology teacher also made a display board to introduce the living habits of the maned dragon lizard.

The "Dubia cockroach", which is the favorite food of the chow dragon, attracts students who love small animals to visit often due to its cute appearance.

It is exciting to witness Duo's growth together with the classmates.

Hydroponics Study Pavilion

The science group has set up a hydroponic study center in high school to enhance students' ability to explore the natural environment. Students can also carefully cultivate seedlings and enjoy the fun of hydroponic study.

Garden Tuyouli

Our school's PTA organizes a "Garden Tuyouli" group. Through horticultural therapy, on the small rooftop of the campus, parents can get in touch with nature, soothe their emotions, enhance their creativity, and enjoy the benefits of gardening activities.

(Content provided by Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School)

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Source: hk1

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